How to calculate your kua number for a better sleep

How to calculate your kua number for a better sleep

Would you like to know what is the most appropriate direction to place your bed for a better sleep? And the best direction for you to have professional success? Well I tell you about everything in today’s post. You just have to calculate your kua number but don’t worry, I’ll show you to do it! It ‘s very easy, you’ll see 🙂

Don’t forget that we spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping, its important to have a good feng shui in the bedroom and we also spend too much time working. The space where we spend most of our time, should be in harmony with our own nature.

Calculating the kua number for women:

Born between 1900-1999:

  • The first thing is to join the last two digits of your birth date, add them until getting a single digit.
  • Add 5 to this number.
  • For example, if you were born in 1978: 7 + 8 = 15 | 1 + 5 = 6 | 6 + 5 = 11 | 1 + 1 = 2 | Your kua number would be 2 if you were born after February 4 that year.   

Born after 2000:

  • The first thing is to join the last two digits of your birth date, add them until getting a single digit.
  • Add 6 to this number.
  • For example, if you were born in 2001: 0+1= 1 | 1+6= 7 | Your kua number would be 7 if you were born after February 4 that year.   

Calculating the kua number for men:

Born between 1900-1999:

  • The first thing is to join the last two digits of your birth date, add them until getting a single digit.
  • Deduct 10 to this number.
  • For example, if you were born in 1978: 7+8= 15 | 1+5= 6 | 10-6= 4Your kua number would be 4 if you were born after February 4 that year.  

Born after 2000:

  • The first thing is to join the last two digits of your birth date, add them until getting a single digit..
  • Deduct 9 to this number.
  • For example, if you were born in 2001: 0+1= 1 | 9-1= 8 | Your kua number would be 8 if you were born after February 4 that year.


  • If the resulting kua number for a woman is 5, the number would be changed for number 8.
  • If the resulting kua number for a man is 5, the number would be changed for number 2.
  • If you were born on February 4 or a day before or after far away from China, the exact time needs to be calculated in Chinese time to determine if the time is earlier or later than February 4.

And now that you finally know your kua number I’ll tell you the most favorable directions for your spaces, to place your bed or office. You can find in this table:


  • F1: That’s the most suitable the direction for prosperity. I work normally looking O, as my kua number is 6.
  • F2: Perfect for health. The headboard of my bed is looking to this direction and considering that I have beams above, is a perfect one for me 🙂
  • F3: Ideal for love.
  • F4: This one is to promote personal growth.

Now that you know know your kua numbers, grab a compass (or download the application on your phone) to see if your bed or work table is looking to the right direction for you. Now, you understand one of the reasons you may not sleep properly at night. Was it your case? Do you already know your best direction?

* Photo: Pinterest