Feng shui tips for your bathroom: discover its essential keys

feng shui tips bathroom

Feng shui tips for your bathroom: discover its essential keys

In today’s post I will not talk about how to create a relaxing atmosphere in the bathroom but rather I will give you some feng shui tips for your bathroom.

The bathroom itself has certain sacredness because it’s where you get clean and purify so in today’s post I’ll leave you with a few simple key points to have a bathroom with a good chi. Here we go!

feng shui tips bathroom


  • The bathroom should never be placed in the center of the house because the energy (money, work, health … etc) tend to leave. The Indian architectural science of Vastu Shastra also doesn’t recommend that. According to Vastu, this would create many different issues related to your health and prosperity.
  • Ideally it must be well ventilated and with good natural lighting. 
  • It shoud always be tidy and clean (but this is not feng shui, that’s common sense 😉
  • Ideally, the toilet should be separated by a wall and it never be placed in front of the door and it should not be a mirror in front of it.
  • Having a large mirror gives us security and if you put an anti fogging system, you will find it extremely convenient when we get out of the shower.
  • It’s highly recommended to use essences, essential oils and aromatherapy to stimulate a good energy. Take baths with salt its good for cleaning the electromagnetic energy of the body.
  • Avoid the excess of products, creams, shampoos … delete what you don’t use any more and check the expiration date of the cosmetic products often (I once got up in the morning with a swollen red face by using the night before one cream that had expired two years ago and I hadn’t noticed, I learned my lesson).

These are the most important feng shui tips for your bathroom to promote your health and well-being.

I hope they help!

Sending you lots of love,
